Foxy DVD Series – Vol 132
In this 5 part DVD series GM Ron W. Henley covers in detail the c3 Sicilian which is based on GM Evgeny Sveshnikov’s 574 page book The Complete c3 Sicilian.
GM Henley shares his own years of practice, private training games and preparation. You will gain a complete understanding of this deadly system against the Sicilian Defence. GM Sveshnikov has scored 70% playing over 600 games for White with this powerful lethal opening system.
GM Henley reduces your study time by giving you the best plans, ideas and variations. You will master this easy to learn c3 system and will be crushing Black Sicilian players for life!
Volume 5
History of 2…Nf6 – A Complete Crushing Repertoire Against 1.e4 c5 2.c3 Nf6 3.e5 Nd5 4.Nf3, and now:
1. 4…e6
2. 4…b6
3. 4…e6
4. 4…d6
5. 4…b6
6. 4…Nc6