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Win with 1…d6 Part 1 (1.e4) – Martin – Chess Dvds | Shop Chess Videos | Tactics – Chess On Demand

Win with 1…d6 Part 1 (1.e4) – Martin




The first of two videos on systems with 1…d6, this one based on the flexible Czech System (1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 c6).

The Czech System introduces a fascinating area of opening play, where with well-timed counter-measures Black aims to destabilize the whole White set-up. The Czech is much less susceptible to direct attack than a regular Pirc Defense.

1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 c6
Part 1: Pseudo-Austrian 4.f4
Part 2: Aggressive Lines 4.Be3/4.Bg5/4.f3
Part 3: Classical 4.Nf3
Part 4: Quiet Systems 4.g3/4.a4

Win with 1…d6 Part 1 (1.e4) – Martin
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